Research projects undertaken in the year 2011: Dr.Ravi Vaswani: The concept of Body image and ethical issues in healthy amputations: The case of the Apotemnophile Fr.Siby Augustine; Wombs for Rent Dr.Uma Kulkarni, Ethical issues of website advertisements by Eye care centres in India Dr.Rashmi Jain:Unethical practices and misconduct in Scientific publication Dr.Vijalakshmi Subramaniam, Creating an awareness on the Importance of Confidentiality of patient information and its Ethical implications amongst medical interns of Yenepoya Medical college Dr.Vinitha R Pai: End of Life Care and Ethical Issues Ms.Vineetha Jacob: A qualitatiave study to describe the perspectives of public regarding end of life care Mr. Santhosh Kumar; A Study to assess the knowledge regarding legal and ethical concepts in Nursing care among staff nurses in selected hospitals at Moodbidri with view to provide an information booklet
Research 2012
Research projects undertaken in the year 2012: Ms. Soumya: The perception of Autonomy of Psychiatric patients by Psychiatry Nursing staff – IJRJSSM. 2013 Nov; 3(07): 47-53. Dr. Rekha Raghavan: Willingness to participate in a study and factors that influence the decision in a South Indian population Mr. Santhosh Kumar : A Stuty to assess the knowledge regarding legal and ethical concepts in Nursing care among staf nurses in selected hospitals at Moodbidri with view to provide and information booklet. Ms. Preema Joyce D’ Souza: A comparitive study to assess the knowlede of bioethics among medical and paramedical students in selected colleges of Dakshina Kannada District. Dr.Sripada G Mehandale: Informed consent in medical research:Perceptions among medical students - A survey Dr. Animesh Jain: Undergraduate research as a tool to create early awareness regarding ethical principles among medical undergraduates:Experience from an Indian Medical College Dr. Pratik Vijay Tarvadi : Critique on Hippocratic Oath
Research 2013
Researches undertaken in the year 2013: Dr. Ramya Shenoy Kudpi: Perceptions on pregnant women - low educational attainment about informed consent after registering into randomized controlled trial in India- A qualitative study. Dr.Vivek S: Assessing ethical climate in Academic Dentistry Dr. Manjula Shantharam: Stigma and discrimination of Children with HIV AIDS Dr. Salauddin Arif.K: Ethical Issues in perception of Human Dignity in Amputees Dr. Bhagya.B: An Empirical Evaluation of Dignity for children with Intellectual disability- A pilot study Dr. Madona Joseph: Artificial reproductive techniques Dr. Mini I V: Perception of consent- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Dr.Vivekasakthidharan : Who deserves the right? Ethics in Abortion Dr. Suchetha Kumari M: Ethical challenges in the care of elderly persons Dr. Blany John Lobo: Hahnemannian Oath A Bioethicist’s Interpretation
Research 2014
1.Dr.Anitha A : Assessment of Knowledge and awareness among practicing Orthodontists in Dakshina Kannada with regard to informed consent in clinical practice and research 2.Dr. Aswini Dutt R : Perceptions of health care givers of mentally challenged children with respect to Autonomy, Decision-Making and Valid consent 3.Dr. Bindhu S : Knowledge, attitude, perception among students, teachers and lay people regarding Human dignity and Assessment of Barriers to whole body donation - A cross sectional study 4.Dr. Hari Kishore Bhat : Placebo Control Trial : Is it another Tuskegee Trial? “A study on perception of Ethical Isssues in Use of Placebo in Research amongst Interns, Post Graduates, Junior Faculty and Senior Faculty in one of the Health Science Universities of Dakshina Kannada District”. 5.Dr. Leena Pramod : Designer Babies are here. Are we ready? 6.Dr. Nirgude Abhay Subhash Rao: Determining the competencies for public health ethicist. 7.Dr. Rajesh M : A study to evaluate the knowledge of dental faculty towards ethical issues about stem cell therapy in Bangalore 8.Dr. Sahana D Acharya: Knowledge, attitude and perception of health care ethics among technicians in a tertiary care hospital in South India 9.Dr. Tharun Varghese Jacob : A comparative study on the knowledge, awareness and attitudes on the varied ethical aspects of oral fluids (saliva) among undergraduate (interns) and postgraduate students in a private dental college in Trivandrum district (Kerala) 10. Viji Prasad C: Attitude of Doctors and Staff Nurses towards Euthanasia in selected hospitals in Mangalore – A Pilot study 11.Dr. Ann Jose Kannampally: Institutional Ethics Committees Constitution and Compliance with Receommended Guidelines in and around Mangalore – A Pilot Survey 12. Dr. Vijaya Hegde: Attitude of Health Care personnel towards Ethics